Faculty - Education Department

Christi Adams

Christi Adams

Ed.D, Associate Professor, Chair

Dr. 亚当斯于2004年获得本尼迪克特学院的基础教育本科学位. She earned a master's degree in Curriculum & 2006年在恩波里亚州立大学执教,2014年在堪萨斯大学获得教育领导与政策研究博士学位. Dr. Adams worked for ten years in the Leavenworth, Kansas school district as a first-grade teacher, K-8 virtual education teacher, and virtual education administrator. 她和丈夫(同为渡鸦人)以及四个孩子住在艾奇逊. In her spare time, Dr. Adams enjoys family time, reading, cooking, coffee, and porch-sitting. 

Dianna Henderson

Ed.D., Professor, Director of Secondary Education

Dr. 亨德森1985年毕业于本尼迪克特学院,主修历史, psychology, and secondary education. 毕业后,他在圣芒特大学教了14年历史、心理学和宗教. Scholastica Academy in Atchison. 她于1994年成为MSSA的校长,直到1999年7月. During that time, 迪安还在本尼迪克特学院担任教育兼职, helping out with supervising student teachers, and teaching secondary methods classes. 1999年,她回到母校全职任教,2000年在堪萨斯大学获得博士学位. During her free time, Dr. Henderson enjoys spending time with her nine grandchildren, reading, traveling, gardening, and practicing her home improvement skills (or lack thereof!).

Ed.D., Associate Professor, Director of Elementary Education

 Dr. Piper Wentz graduated from The University of St. Mary with a B.S. in Elementary Education in 1993.  之后,她做了12年的课堂教师,并继续完成她的太阳城官网.A. in School Leadership here at Benedictine College. Dr. 2011年,温茨回到本尼迪克特,担任基础教育项目的教授. 她在堪萨斯大学完成了学业,获得了课程与教学博士学位. Currently, Dr. Wentz教授高级方法课程,也监督实习教师. 她热衷于将儿童文学融入课堂,并利用差异化来满足所有学习者的需求. Dr. 温兹喜欢和家人在诺顿维尔的小农场共度时光. In the meantime, 她喜欢坐在丈夫的摩托车后座上探索乡村, relaxing in their hot tub, and country sunsets. 

Kelly Cogan

Ed.D, Assistant Professor, Director of Special Education

Dr. Kelly Cogan于2006年毕业于Benedictine College,获得小学教育学位.  In 2007, 她在密苏里州立大学获得了视障教师的认证,并于2009年在西北密苏里州立大学获得了教育领导太阳城官网.  Dr. Cogan目前在堪萨斯大学攻读课程与教学博士学位.  她花了七年的时间教授特殊教育,并担任自闭症顾问,然后成为农民之家的项目主任,在那里她开发并实施了社区综合职业学习项目,为智力和发育障碍的学生提供了过渡机会.  她热衷于特殊教育,并在学校和当地社区包容所有有特殊情况的人.  在家里,她享受着美丽的风景、美味的食物和家庭,这让她的生活充满了快乐.

Assistant Professor

Dr. Michaela Culkin毕业于查米纳德大学,获得基础教育理学学士学位. 她还拥有特洛伊州立大学教育学太阳城官网和内布拉斯加州大学奥马哈分校的学校领导学太阳城官网. Dr. 卡尔金最近于2016年在堪萨斯大学课程与教学专业获得博士学位. 她曾担任过课堂教师、教学教练和管理人员. 她的论文关注的是那些处于职业生涯中期的老教师在达到完全退休年龄之前离开教师行业的原因. In her free time, Dr. 卡尔金喜欢阅读、烹饪、尝试学习尤克里里琴和旅行.

M.A., Assistant Professor

Sarah Wise received her B.A. 于2002年获颁中学教育学士学位,主修数学及生物. 她于2013年获得Benedictine College的学校领导太阳城官网. Sarah有17年的中学教学经验,在不同的学校和年级教学. Teaching is one of Sarah’s greatest passions. 她喜欢在课堂上寻找新的方法,将各种主题带入生活,并与她的学生和未来的老师分享这种激情. The past five years, Sarah worked at Maur Hill - Mount Academy teaching advanced math, biology and leadership classes, as well as being the campus minister. Sarah最近被评为MH-MA 2020-2021学年的“年度教育家”. Sarah enjoys sports as she has coached softball, basketball and volleyball, and you can find her at the golf course during the summer months. 在业余时间,她喜欢涉猎艺术,读一本好书,尽可能多地到户外活动.

DirectorMaster of Arts in Teaching

Dr. 阿什利·哈斯于2007年毕业于堪萨斯大学,获得太阳城官网学学士学位. 2012年,她毕业于洛克赫斯特大学,获得小学教育太阳城官网. Then, in 2022, Dr. 哈斯毕业于堪萨斯大学,获得课程与教学教育学博士学位. Dr. Haase has worked as a classroom teacher, technology coach, and innovation coach, focusing her dissertation research on digital citizenship. Dr. 哈斯还从事课程开发,创建阅读资源和课程. At home, Dr. Haase enjoys reading, cooking, pursuing creative hobbies like refinishing furniture, and spending time with her two children and husband.

Mindy Montemayor

Assistant Professor

Mindy Montemayor是乌鸦大学的校友,2001年在本尼迪克特学院获得了基础教育本科学位. 她于2006年获得贝克大学教育太阳城官网,并于2015年获得学校领导太阳城官网. As a military spouse, she has been privileged to hold many roles in education in various states and even overseas;  Middle School Teacher, Technology Integration Specialist, Curriculum Specialist, STEM Coordinator, and a Director for US Army Child and Youth Services. 在业余时间,Mindy喜欢自驾游、旅游、阅读和户外大自然.  

Helen Schwinn

Coordinator of Student Support

Biography coming soon
